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Car Accident Lawyer Beverly Hills, CA

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Car Accident Lawyer Beverly Hills, CA

Being in a car accident is both scary and expensive. If you were involved in an accident with another vehicle, contact a car accident lawyer in Beverly Hills, California from Seber Bulger right away. We can help you get through the entire process and will do our best to end the case with the compensation you deserve. What steps should you take if you ever find yourself in this situation? Here are a few tips on how to handle being in a car accident and what you should do.

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    When To Call a Lawyer for a Car Accident

    Getting into a car accident can have a long-term impact on your quality of life. In some cases, victims walk away with a few scratches while other accidents can leave a person paralyzed for life. It can be hard to know if it’s time to call a Beverly Hills car accident lawyer, and it could be an intimidating thought to get a lawyer involved. Here are a few signs to help you determine when it’s appropriate to call on the services of Seber Bulger Law.

    A Serious Injury or Death Occurred

    If the accident was the fault of another person’s negligence, the law may hold them legally responsible for the outcome. Severe injuries can interfere with your ability to work or they may require months of medical care and rehab. Serious car accidents can also cause death. These are civil matters that can be handled by a car accident lawyer in Beverly Hill, CA, whether you file a wrongful death lawsuit or look for compensation for the injuries.

    An Uninsured Motorist Was Involved

    Though many states require drivers to carry uninsured motorist coverage, this is not required in the state of California. A lawyer can help you determine the likelihood of success from a lawsuit against the other motorists involved, as well as guide you on what allowances or laws determine who can bring a lawsuit and what compensation is available.

    A Disability Occurred

    An accident can affect drivers and passengers differently, and it can alter the ability of an individual to carry on with life as normal. A severe injury can make it impossible for a person to return to work right away, as the healing process may require months of medical treatment or rehabilitation. Lost wages and the additional strain of medical bills can be devastating. Some injuries become disabilities that affect your earning potential for the rest of your life. A lawyer can help you receive the compensation you need to restore your financial future.

    An Unfair Settlement Was Offered

    Insurance companies won’t always give you a fair settlement for your accident or injury claim. When you can’t make any progress with the insurance company, you can call on the services of Seber Bulger Law to help you fight for fair compensation. If you’ve been injured in an accident, your finances and a fair settlement are just as important as the care you receive to heal your body. Working with a car accident lawyer in Beverly Hills, CA can be the help you need to make sure you take care of your physical and financial needs.

    Dealing with a Multiple-Vehicle Accident

    While a car accident can be both a complex and traumatic experience, those involving more than two vehicles really require the legal knowledge and expertise of a car accident lawyer in Beverly Hills, CA. In these multi-vehicle incidents, it can be difficult to determine the circumstances leading to the accident and what the role of each driver involved in the crash was, making filing a car accident claim even more complicated than usual. However, having an attorney advocating means that they will investigate the cause of the accident, protect your rights, and take the appropriate legal steps to get you the financial compensation you may be entitled to under California law.

    Determining Liability

    These types of crashes often involve she-said, he-said accusations, and finger-pointing. Because these scenes are often downright chaotic, many of the drivers involved do not always realize how much they contributed to the crashes that occurred. In order to determine liability for the accident and for your particular injuries and/or losses, your Beverly Hills, CA car accident lawyer may hire an accident reconstructionist to determine how the accidents happened. They do this by examining the damage done to all of the involved vehicles, evidence left at the accident site, and speaking with witnesses. Depending on how your case proceeds, the accident reconstructionist may also be called by your lawyer to testify at the trial if negotiations fail to bring about a fair settlement offer and your lawyer moves to litigate your case in front of a judge and jury.

    Multiple Parties, Multiple Faults

    It is not uncommon for there to be more than one at-fault party in a multi-vehicle crash. Fortunately, California is a pure comparative fault state. This means that a victim can still recover financial compensation if they are partially at fault for the accident.  Basically, this law provides a way for liability for an accident to be divided up amount any parties that may hold some fault in the accident. Your lawyer will be able to evaluate your case to determine if you hold any partial fault for the crash and, if so, how this will impact the amount of financial compensation you may be entitled to.

    Common Distractions That Lead to Car Accidents

    Distracted driving is one of the most common causes of car accidents. Drivers need to keep their eyes and attention on the road ahead at all times. Here are the most common distractions that lead to car accidents.
    • Using a smartphone: Unfortunately, some people still use their smartphones while behind the wheel. Whether they are calling someone or responding to a text message, using a cellphone while driving causes motorists to take their attention off the road. It is one of the most common distractions that results in car crashes.
    • Eating: If you’re running late in the morning, you may decide to eat your breakfast as you drive to work. However, doing this forces you to take your hands off the wheel, increasing the risk of an accident.
    • Using a GPS: Nowadays, many drivers depend on a GPS system to help them get to their destination. Unfortunately, handling a GPS while behind the wheel can take your attention off the road and increase the chances of an accident. If you have to use a GPS, listen to the directions instead of constantly looking at the screen.
    • Talking to passengers: If you have passengers in your car, it feels natural to talk to them. However, you can’t allow your conversation to divert your attention off the road. While a little bit of small talk might be fine, try to avoid talking about anything too deep.
    • Grooming: If you are running short on time, you may also feel tempted to comb your hair or put on deodorant when you’re driving. Grooming can take your eyes off the road and hands off the wheel, making an accident more likely.
    • Daydreaming: Most people daydream from time to time. However, it is not a good idea to do this while you’re behind the wheel of a vehicle. If you’re zoning out, you may not be able to pay attention to the road.
    If you have been in a car accident, schedule a consultation with a car accident lawyer in Beverly Hills, CA.

    What Are the Main Causes of a Car Accident 

    Car accidents happen more frequently than we would like and sometimes they can be unavoidable even when both drivers are following proper road safety procedures. However, there are also a number of factors caused by other drivers’ negligence that can result in car accidents. Some of these include:
    • Not following the rules of the road: This can range to anything from reckless driving such as speeding, making a wrong turn, driving down the wrong way of the road, driving through a stop sign, etc. Sometimes these are mistakes that the driver didn’t intend to make, but regardless of intention, they are still negligence from the driver.
    • Distracted driving: while we tend to think of texting when hearing the term “distracted driving”, distracted driving can also include anything from eating or drinking, talking on the phone, or changing the radio station. Driver’s fatigue can also be a factor.
    • Driving under the influence: Driving while drinking or doing drugs is illegal, but unfortunately, people still don’t follow this law. In addition to drivers that are intoxicated generally having more erratic driving they also have slower reaction times.
    • Vehicle malfunctions: While a vehicle malfunction is sometimes unavoidable and may not always be the fault of the driver, vehicles do have systems in place to warn drivers about any potential problems such as a check engine light. As such, it’s the driver’s responsibility to make sure their vehicle is safe to drive.

    Other Car Accident Causes

    Sometimes a car accident has other causes that may not necessarily be the direct fault of other drivers. Some of these causes may include:
    • Weather conditions: Car accidents are more likely to happen when there are unfavorable weather conditions and are especially volatile in conditions such as rain or snowstorms. Even when drivers are using caution issues such as skidding can be very common on icy roads.
    • Poor road conditions or unmarked areas: Unfortunately, not every road has the greatest infrastructure and this can especially be true for rural areas. Potholes and uneven roads can cause accidents. Additionally, sometimes a road is properly marked such as not having a marked intersection or having too few stop signs in an area that sees a lot of traffic.

    Check for Injuries

    The first thing you need to do after being in an accident is to make sure you are unharmed. After checking on yourself, check on any passengers in your own vehicle, then move to the people in the other car to see if an ambulance will be needed. Health and wellbeing should always be the top priority.

    Pull Over to Safety

    Next, you should get to a safe location. Make sure you take your time and do not pull out in front of oncoming traffic.

    Contact the Police

    You should always get the police to come to the scene of an accident so that they can write a police report on what happened. This document will give facts of what happened and can be used as evidence in court at a later date. The police will take photos and get contact information from each party, but you should do this as well.

    Exchange Information with Others

    You need to get the license plate number, vehicle make and model, and insurance information from the other driver. You should also get their first and last name, phone number, and contact information from any witnesses to the accident if applicable. While this information should be in the police report, it can take some time to get and mistakes may happen, so it is crucial to get all of the necessary information while everyone is still at the scene of the accident.

    Go to the Doctor’s Office

    Finally, even if you feel fine, you need to go get checked out by your primary care physician. This will offer a written report about what happened and can be used as evidence at a later date if something ends up being wrong in the near future. Sometimes, people’s adrenaline kicks in right after an accident so they do not notice new aches and pains. This can be the body’s coping mechanism but is harmful to a case if you do not think you are hurt and end up having issues later. That is why it is important to see a doctor so he or she can testify on your behalf later.

    Ways to Stay Safe On the Road

    Avoid Alcohol

    Seber Bulger Law wants you to stay safe, and one of the easiest ways to do this is by avoiding alcohol before you drive. It only takes a blood alcohol level of 0.02% to impair your vision, reaction time, and ability to make good judgment calls; for reference, it only takes 2 beers to reach this level. If you know you’re going to get behind the wheel, either don’t drink or have a designated driver ready to come and pick you up. You’ll save yourself a consultation with a Beverly Hills car accident lawyer!

    Don’t Drive Drowsy

    Nearly any Beverly Hills car accident lawyer will tell you that drowsy driving is just as bad as drunk driving. In fact, some studies have shown that a long-term lack of sleep shares many of the same dangerous symptoms as intoxication, including lack of judgment and reduced coordination. Try not to drive if you’re feeling tired; if you find yourself getting sleepy while you drive, take a moment to pull over and stretch your legs or get a cold drink. If at all possible, ask someone else to drive.

    Take a Safe Driving Course

    A safe driving course is an excellent way to brush up on your skills! If it’s been a few years since you took driver’s ed, consider taking a safety course to refresh yourself on road laws and etiquette. Not only can this help reinforce existing road regulations in your mind, but it can also inform you of any new rules you may not know about. Most auto insurance providers offer safe driving courses, and many will offer you a discounted rate for completing them. If your provider doesn’t offer a course, visit your local DMV or speak to a car accident lawyer in Beverly Hills, CA, to learn what your options are.

    Wear Your Seatbelt

    It’s no secret that seatbelts save lives, so Seber Bulger Law reminds you to buckle up any time you’re in a vehicle. Research from the CDC shows that a seatbelt can reduce your risk of injury by a whopping 45% in an accident, and it can decrease your chance of death in a car by as much as 50%. Be sure to remind any other passengers in the car to wear their seatbelts, too! This is an easy, effective way to keep yourself and everyone else in the vehicle safe.

    Beverly Hills Car Accident Law Infographic

    How Knowing the Cause of the Accident Can Help 

    Although figuring out the cause of a car accident probably shouldn’t be your top priority immediately following a car accident, it can still be helpful when talking with your lawyer to build a case. While the events leading up to the incident may be a blur, having any insights into what may have caused the accident is vital especially if you think it was the fault of the driver. Using this information you provide, your car accident lawyer will be able to discuss options and can work with you to get the right compensation you deserve.

    What You Should Never Do After a Car Accident

    It’s not easy to concentrate when you’ve been in an accident. You may have injuries or have injured passengers to worry about. You may feel confused about what to do next. This is why you should always speak with a Beverly Hills car accident lawyer, as soon as possible after any crash. Some mistakes that happen so easily can hurt your case.

    Don’t Admit Guilt

    As much as you may want to apologize to the other driver or passengers out of courtesy, don’t do it. Any type of admission of guilt can cause you problems in court or with the other driver’s insurance company. It can end up weakening your case, which may lead to a smaller settlement offer or losing a court claim. What can you do? Let our professional law firm at Seber Bulger Law represent you. If the other driver, or the insurance company, wants to talk to you, simply refer them to your car accident lawyer in Beverly Hills, CA.

    Don’t Drive Away

    Don’t drive off. You’re generally required to exchange insurance information and contact info with the other driver. This is information you want to get from the other party as well. If anyone was injured in the accident, call the police and wait for them to arrive. A police report is a good piece of evidence that your Beverly Hills car accident lawyer, can use to bolster your case. It can help show that the other driver acted negligently. While you wait, use your smartphone to snap pictures of the scene of the accident, your car, the other vehicle, and any injuries you have.

    Don’t Wait To File a Lawsuit

    Life in Beverly Hills can be hectic, but you can’t afford to put off a lawsuit. There is a statute of limitations in California for car accidents, which means that you only have a certain amount of time to file a claim or take the other driver to court. The answer when you have a busy lifestyle is to contact a Beverly Hills car accident lawyer, and let the law firm handle everything for you.

    Don’t Accept Money From the Other Driver or Sign Anything

    The right way to get compensation for an accident is with the help of a car accident lawyer in Beverly Hills, CA. Word-of-mouth promises don’t mean anything, and they can leave you open to getting sued. Don’t sign any agreements or documents until our team at Seber Bulger Law has a chance to look them over.

    Beverly Hills Car Accident Law Statistics

    The Transportation Injury Mapping System compiles data from local law enforcement agencies to give a snapshot of accidents in Beverly Hills.
    • In the last few years there were 2,284 total injuries and fatal collisions in Beverly Hills. Among these,
    • 3,122 people were injured and 9 were killed. (Los Angeles: 116,841 injury and fatal crashes causing 173,325 injuries and 1,140 fatalities.)

    Beverly Hills Car Accident Law – FAQ

    Should you or a loved one need a Beverly Hills car accident lawyer, you need to look no further than Seber Bulger. The questions and answers in this Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) will answer many of your questions.

    Am I entitled to compensation as a result of my car accident?

    Maybe. If the accident was caused by the negligence of someone you may be entitled to compensation for the pain and suffering you experienced as a result of the crash.

    What laws do car accidents in California come under?

    Car accidents, when caused by negligence, are actually considered a personal injury, and governed by California’s personal injury laws.

    Does it matter where I find a car accident lawyer?

    If the accident occurred in or near Beverly Hills, a personal injury attorney from there is likely to be the best kind of help you can find. In the first place they know California’s complex personal injury laws and may specialize in car accidents. Secondly, they have true local knowledge. That is, in addition to the law, they also know local law enforcement agencies and are intimately familiar with the court system there. That’s because they practice in this locale on an almost daily basis. They know how the system works there and what the attitudes of officials are likely to be. This local knowledge can work in your favor.

    How is wrongful death from a car accident handled in California?

    Wrongful death is considered a personal injury in California. The experienced attorneys of Seber Bulger can certainly handle wrongful death.

    What kinds of car accidents are there?

    Here is a brief list of the types of car accidents. Not everything is listed here, but enough so you can get a sense of the issues.
    •       Head-on collisions
    •       Rear-end collisions
    •       Car accidents at intersections
    •       Car accidents involving uninsured drivers
    •       Motor vehicle accidents caused by drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs
    •       Accidents caused by a distracted drive
    •       Car accidents in which speeding was a factor,
    •       And more

    My car accident doesn’t seem very complicated. Why do I need a car accident attorney?

    A: Even when a car accident seems straightforward, securing an attorney may be in your best interests. After all, another party might try to change their statement or an insurance company might try to limit your compensation to save money. With an excellent car accident lawyer, you’ll have representation protecting you no matter what happens.

    Does Seber Bulger offer a no-cost consultation?

    Yes. Seber Bulger is pleased to offer you a free consultation.

    Beverly Hills Car Accident Lawyer Google Reviews

    “jim bulger was not only a tremendously effective lawyer in handling my case but was a pleasure to work with – communicative, reliable and, above all, tenacious – someone i trusted unequivocally with good reason. he delivered the results we wanted and did so with relentless determination.” – Graham L.

    Contact Our Injury Law Firm Today

    If you have been injured in a multi-vehicle accident – or any other type of car accident – do not delay in speaking to a Beverly Hills car accident lawyer. In fact, you want to speak to a lawyer before speaking to any insurance adjusters, who will be doing all they can to find ways to deny any claim you may have. Call Seber Bulger Law to schedule a free no-obligation case evaluation and find out what legal options you may have. We, at Seber Bulger, believe strongly that the injured are not only entitled to be heard by our legal system but deserve to be heard. That’s why you want to contact us, an outstanding Beverly Hills car accident lawyer. Client Review “Mr. Seber guided us through a very intense housing situation – truly appreciate his work and service.” Samuel Trotter

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